About me

I’m a Chemical Engineer and a Ph.D. in Industrial Product and Process Engineering.

I have a solid experience in polymer physics and transport phenomena, mainly deriving from the work accomplished for my PhD Thesis, developed in collaboration with Procter and Gamble: “Experiments and Modelling of Solvent Sealing of Polymeric Films”. The main objective of the thesis was to investigate absorption of liquid solvents and swelling of polymeric films, and the way in which the solvent application can promote polymer-polymer adhesion. The development and the implementation of mathematical models has been carried on mainly at University of Naples Federico II, while the experimental campaign has been conducted in the P&G facilities of Bruxelles (where I spent more than one year) and Frankfurt. I am thus familiar with mechanical tests and optical techniques that I employed to characterize the adhesion, but also with numerical simulations of PDE needed to interpret this phenomenon. The in-house codes I developed have been transformed in an easy-to-use software with a GUI in Python, for wide use in the R&D unit of P&G.

During my PhD, I also employed the tools of Molecular Dynamics Simulations to ivestigate the dynamics of supercooled fluids, both in colloidal systems and molecular liquids: this side-activity resulted in two publications linked in my CV.

I also am very passionate about IoT and the world of makers.